View Profile JasonGrimm

Age 33, Male



Great Lakes

Joined on 8/21/07

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New Review System?

Posted by JasonGrimm - September 15th, 2008

I'm thinking about making an even more in-depth review system, or possibly revamping the current one. I would greatly appreciate any advise or critisizms you have on the current. Any ideas for a new review system would also be appreciated.


I think either I wasn't clear enough, or I'm not understanding you guys. I mean my review system, not the review system inplace here on NG. I am not a moderator, editor, or anything of the like. I am just a common NGer and I only want opinions on my review system. Thank you.


so i read it its cool


Thats how the review system used to be.

More indepth, now it's just a comment system really.

I don't remember much of the old NG. I started getting really into NG in the last 2 years, so I can't say to much about that. However, I must once again say, I have no control over that, but I do try to do my reviews on games/animations in a professional way.

wow....you people must think Jason Grimm is Tom Fulp, Jason Grimm is just an aanimation critic, his reviews truly help people learn what they have to improve on in new flash productions.

What he means by New review System is that when he posts reviews he posts this:

Sound Effects:9/10

Before I get into the review part of my review, I have a note to those who read my reviews. I have a new post on my page about my reviews, and if you see something you would like changed or have comments on my reviews, please leave them on that post. They will be greatly appreciated and responded to. Both advice and constructive critisizm are welcome. Now onto my review.

I have now officially given this game three votes. Normal readers of my reviews will note that I typically only review a game in this style when it is still under judgement. This is a first for me. I have read the peoples reviews and I believe it is time for me to have my voice on this heard. First of all, the graphics were very well done. Almost a 10/10. the only thing that really pulled me away from the 10 is the fact that the game itself is beautiful, but I believe the background and landscape could have been done a bit better. I'm sorry, but if the working elements of the game were that beautiful, then I highly doubt you couldn't have made the landscape more appealing. Secondly, the graphics were great, but once again only missed the 10 by a hair. They were very well done, but there wasn't anything new in them, or anything that really caught my eye. I liked your choice in sound effects. I cannot give you a very valid reason they did not get a 10 besides the fact that I didn't think of why they should. Nothing mind boggling great about them, but they were well placed and used. Next up on the agenda is the music. It was a rather game-like soundtrack, the typical music you expect to hear from a game like this. Gameplay took a hit only because of the learning curve, and the how difficult it was to use your system. The learning curve was rather steep. Not impossible, but steep. However, if you have two balls land next to each other(laughs quietly to himself over how the "balls" sentence turned out) it is impossible to try to grab the one you want. It then becomes a game of precision to get the right one. Pretty good game otherwise. I appreciate the good work. As always replies are welcome, along with pm's if you choose.

The one and only,

(one of his recent reviews)

He is asking if people think he should change the fist part, the Graphics and the animation ratings.

I hope this wil help clarify this confusion... (you people seem so lost..)

Thank you. That is exactly what I was asking. :D

Well i believe that this curren eview system is very nice alredy but if you wana make this even more detialed try adding:

Idea (some times a flash idea is great but isn't done right, not at all right...)

Video and sound synchronization (some times people put great sound and great animations but the sound is off...)

i don't feel that voice is music or sound affects and some times a character doesn't have the right voice or the voice is disturbed by the mic wich some times annoy the viewers, like when it is hard to understand.

I cant think of many other things for you to add and the ones i listed above arnt that great ethier but if i do think of something good ill post it.

I have notices when voices arn't synced right, and I usually take of off the animation score for that. However, I may look into adding that. Although the Idea part is a very good idea, I cannot add that because what I think is a totally horrible idea, someone else may think is a great one. I'm not here to snuff creativity, just judge it.

I thought of a great one:

Try adding Humor, for onese that have less seriousness in it!

I noticed most flashes have some type of joke.

Maby ones like action?

Hmm. I may have to think about that. Comedic flashes usually lose points for humor in the storyline section. I may have to look into that. Which means I would have 2 different review systems for animations. Hmm.

Oh and I forgot to mention, you missed one part of your observation. I review both the animations and the games. So if you have anything you think should be removed, added, or changed in the game reviews, just let me know.

I just recently noticed that you picked a game review chart and were asking about flash animation charts. Here is the review system I use for the movies.
Sound Effects:
if that helps all please let me know.